Baby Gabriel

Rolls for days and just let me play and play. Love when babies just snuggle in and I can just shoot for hours. ;)

Baby Desmond

I could have photographed sweet little Desmond alllllllll day! What a little lovebug he was! Loved that we were able to incorporate a little harvest theme since he was born in October. :) And I think his sisters are quite smitten with him, don't you? ;)

Baby Zuri

Lifestyle newborn sessions are some of my favorite sessions to shoot. So relaxed, no posing and we can just take our time getting those moments of families with their newest addition in their own environment. I photographed this little beauty’s big brother a few years ago and had just as much fun getting to meet and photograph her too!

Baby Saveer - Fresh 48

This job never gets old. Love being able to meet with families within that first 24-48 hour timeframe and capture all the newness of their new little bundles.

Baby Kian

Precious, precious little Kian. He completely stole my heart and was THE best baby! Slept through every single pose and prop and never made a peep!

Baby Wyatt

Sister snuggles, newborn smiles and a sweet baby boy named Wyatt. Loved seeing the adorable Hilton family again after they welcomed their newest addition to the family!

Baby Tatum

It's been SO fun having some girls to play with in the studio lately! I seem to go through a streak of either all boys for months and months and one girl or none at all. Of course I love ALL the babies I get to snuggle, but it sure is fun to get to doll up the little girls every chance I get! 

Baby Boden ~ Fresh 48

Next to birth and newborns, Fresh 48's are right up there with my favorite moments to photograph. There's no posing, no worrying about weather and perfect lighting, no stress on the's just me coming to your birthplace and capturing some of those first sweet moments you share with your baby. Loved every minute with adorable Boden and his parents. He was only a wee 30 hours old when I got to meet him and what a little lovebug he was!

Baby Millie

With a name like Millie I just KNEW this little one would be a doll when she came to the studio! Her parents waited to find out the gender until the day Mama delivered and what a sweet surprise this angel was.  

Baby Boden

All the feels for this sweet little guy! Loved every minute with him and his adorable parents.