Baby Owen

I’ve had SO many precious precious babies in the studio over the last few months! So fun to go back through and relive each little wrinkle, coo, and sweetness from all their sessions. Little Owen was no exception. Just as calm and sleepy as can be!

Baby Kash

Oh, sweet baby Kash. This little guy decided he didn’t want to wait for his due date and came 5 weeks early. And by the looks of all those smiles I’d say he was perfectly content with surprising his parents and choosing his own birthday ;)

Baby Gabriel

Rolls for days and just let me play and play. Love when babies just snuggle in and I can just shoot for hours. ;)

Baby Desmond

I could have photographed sweet little Desmond alllllllll day! What a little lovebug he was! Loved that we were able to incorporate a little harvest theme since he was born in October. :) And I think his sisters are quite smitten with him, don't you? ;)

Baby Boden

All the feels for this sweet little guy! Loved every minute with him and his adorable parents.