Warren {6 Months}

Love love love photographing this age! Precious little Warren and all his 6 months of cuteness!

Charlotte {One Year}

Loved getting to take Charlotte’s one year photos! She’s hands down one of THE happiest babies I’ve ever gotten to work with and her smile just lights up the studio every time I see her! Can’t wait to meet her new sibling in just a few months and capture more of her cuteness as a new big sister!

Millie {Sitter Session}

I can’t EVEN with this baby! I’ve been photographing her since she was just days old and each time I see her my heart just melts all over again. LOVE her!

{Charlotte} 3 months

Charlotte’s Mama wanted to surprise her Daddy with some photos for Father’s Day all dolled up in his favorite team colors. Such a fun session! Just love this age!