
I posted this on my Facebook page back on November 19th the night I photographed this session that will always be very near and dear to my heart…

”I received a message late last night from Kim asking me about my Golden Years sessions. She had just gotten off the phone with in-home hospice to plan sweet Luma's goodbye, which is tomorrow, and saw my post right after Kim asked if I had any time at all between last night and tomorrow to take some photos of their sweet Luma thinking that the chances were pretty slim on short notice. There was absolutely NO way I was going to say no. THIS is why I wanted to do these sessions. So, this beautiful family will have memories of her and be able to smile when they think of her long after she's gone. Their son is in the military and Luma has been his dog since he was 11, but unfortunately, he won't be home on leave until next month and won't be able to tell his sweet girl goodbye. His Mom is planning on giving him these photos as a gift for Christmas when he comes home (so I won't be sharing them anywhere but this page for now). Loved that even Kim's parents were at the session so there was even more love surrounding their beloved Golden. We took these photos on her favorite walking trail in the neighborhood. This dog was hands down one of THE sweetest dogs I've ever been around. All she wanted was to be loved on and snuggled and was the epitome of what Goldens are all about. Love. I know how hard tomorrow is going to be on this family, I've been there before, but I hope these photos will give their hearts a little hug and be a beautiful reminder of what a dear dog Luma was. And yes, I cried when I got to my car.....”